After spotlighting Marco’s Bass’s upcoming Ukrainian humanitarian teaching trip, we’d like to bring you up to date.
Marco embarked on a 9 week odyssey to Lviv in Western Ukraine for an English teaching assignment for a program through Ukrainian Catholic University. Living on the University Campus, Marco worked 9 hour days teaching an English Summer School program with University students. He also enjoyed time with the You Angel organization helping orphans and families. Asking Marco to sum up his experience he said ” 9 of the best weeks of my life, visiting a beautiful country and lovely people ”.
Highlighting his experience he was quick to add how easy and affordable the experience was if you feel compelled to participate in such an endeavor. Marco spent many months planning his travel and working through the endless details of such a trip. He now wants to encourage others to consider such travel as there are innumerable opportunities for Volunteerism in Ukraine. Marcos’ fervent wish is to return in 3 years for the graduation of his students from University. If you wish to understand a commitment to Ukrainian Volunteerism Marco enthusiastically invites you to join him for coffee & discussion
If you would like to donate to a secure vetted organization assisting Orphans and Families Hromada
Hromada in Ukrainian translates to community. A San Francisco based organization runs Anhelyk Foundation, which collects money for children whose families died from fighting in Eastern Ukraine.