Verdi Club Membership FAQs
What is the difference between a Vested Member and an Associate Member?
A Vested Member is eligible to become an Officer or Board Member of the Verdi Club after the first year of membership, and after five years becomes fully vested, having an ownership share in the Club. A Vested Member receives discounted rates for the Verdi Club’s dinner dances and events.
An Associate Member also receives discounted rates for the Verdi Club’s dinner dances and events but does not have an ownership interest.
Both Vested and Associate Members receive the monthly Verdi Club Newsletter; can attend Member Meetings and are eligible to vote in elections of Verdi Club Officers and Board Members.
How do I pro-rate annual dues if I don’t apply for membership in January?
My Membership Application is complete and I’ve written my check to the Verdi Club. Where do I send my Membership Application?
Verdi Club – Membership Chair 2424 Mariposa Street
San Francisco, CA 94110
How will I know that my request for membership has been approved?
Can I upgrade my membership to a Vested/Full membership?
Depending on when the application is approved, annual dues may be assessed for the year if they have not already been paid.
More Questions?
Call Verdi Club Membership Chair Jane Wisdom Russell at 415 420 6598 or email her at
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